November 25, 2010.
I am the mother of two boys, Allan and Chris, today I turned 76 years old. Where oh where has the time gone? lol
I'm starting this new blog to talk about my quilts and all the pj's I've made and still making for my children, which includes two sets of grand children and one great-grand son.
The other item I've made a l00 times are bibs with ties. My daugther-in-law Nicole, has 3 boys, Trenton, Avery and Brayden. When they were small she used 9 bibs per day. I love making them so it was, no big deal. The best thing about Nicole is she recyles all the outgrown items. I have from time to time made Halloween costumes.
When I was a little girl my mom forced me to learn to sew and I was just as determined not to learn, I turned her off. Too bad mom wasn't more gentle, because no matter how I refused to learn it I ended up loving to sew.
The first thing I every sewed for my family were tee shirts. I learned the stretech and sew technique. When my oldest son Allan came home from his first year at Ryerson he said. "Mom no more homemade tee shirts", I moved on to making polyester dresses for my mom. Next came all the tee shirt style pyjamas.