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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Brayden's New Pyjamas.

This week I finally finished Brayden's pyjamas. Maria and I planned to go to the American border today but that didn't happen, she had to work, maybe we'll go on the week-end.

There is a Postal strike in Canada.

From The Globe and Mail.......Cast your mind back to 1997. Facebook and e-vites didn’t exist. You couldn’t browse the Internet on your phone or tablet. And there were few good alternatives to paying bills by mail.

Fearing economic carnage, the federal government waited just 16 days before ordering the striking posties back to work.

This time around, Canada Post’s fading presence in the lives of Canadians is front and centre in the dispute. The Crown corporation, which is facing dwindling revenues and a crushing $3-billion pension deficit, is determined to significantly cut pay and benefits for new hires, creating a two-tiered work force..... The end

The truth is the strike will not affect most Canadians. We have computers, UPS, and the USPS.
How lucky can we be! It is sad for the people who receive their cheques in the mail.

I bought 5 meters of flannel for 2 pairs of pyjamas for Brayden, but it still wasn't enough. I went back to Fabricland, only to find there wasn't any more left. If you look closely you will see where I pieced the top. Bless Brayden's heart, he will never complain. Got to love him, he is his father's son.
The two dogs sitting on my couch are waiting for me to make a quilt for them. They will go to the Christmas Cheer Fund.
Two kids will be happy.

1 comment:

  1. Oh My Gosh! These pj's are so great! I Love the pattern..I made some bottoms last year but they were just plain ol' bottoms. I may try some like these this year;) I still have yet to find any of my sewing stuff, except I did get my machine in from the shed!

    I love checking out all your Fun projects!!
